
Showing posts from August, 2022

Cause and effect

  From a scientific viewpoint, there is a clear cause and effect relationship between the planetary overheating due to the climate crisis and the increasing number of natural disasters.  Damian Carrington wrote in the Guardian on 4 August 2022: “ The analysis of hundreds of scientific studies – the most comprehensive compilation to date – demonstrates beyond any doubt how humanity’s vast carbon emissions are forcing the climate to disastrous new extremes. At least a dozen of the most serious events, from killer heatwaves to broiling seas, would have been all but impossible without human-caused global heating, the analysis found.” Those who want more detail can look at a website called Carbon Brief that put together a database of  “attribution studies of more than 500 events”. There is no shortage of information about the causes of the climate crisis, and no shortage of information about how dire its consequences are. The problem is to persuade people to change habits and...