Reboot Food
"Reboot Food" is the name of a campaign by Guardian columnist George Monbiot to persuade people to consider "precision fermentation" as a way of using microbes to create "specific proteins and fats" to replace "meat, fish, milk, and eggs". The process needs "1700 times less land than the most efficient agricultural means of producing protein: soy grown in the US."
If used at scale this could enable the "rewilding the vast tracts occupied by livestock..." Monbiot warns about the risk the the technology could be "captured by a few corporations". The risk may be real once precision fermentation gains acceptance, but food is a cultural habit that changes only very slowly, perhaps too slowly to rescue God's creation via this method. Nonetheless it is time for people who care about the planet to consider all options.
All quotes come from: isen-technology-precision-fermentation-farming