What cars cost

 The "Aufruhr-magazin.de" had an article recently about the cost of cars. (LINK) Note that the original article is in German.

Parking places in Berlin take up 10 times as much space as playgrounds for children. 

In Munich a parking permit costs 0.08€ daily, and the price has remained the same since 2004, despite inflation. In the same city a restaurant that wants to have tables outside pays 1.50€ per day, and a farmer who sets up a stand for vegetables pays 18.00€ per day. 

Cars are privileged. An underground parking place for a car is typically larger than a one-person office. 

About 41% of Germans drive a car or ride in one daily, while only about 10% use a bicycle, even though 48% of workplaces are less than 10 Km away. 

Stefan Gössling of the "Freiburger Institut T3 Transportation Think Tank" claims that someone who drives a modest car like the Opel Corsa in fact gets an annual subvention of  4,674 €.

On average a car sits unused 95% of the time, equal to 23 hours per day. Cars take up as much space as 10 bicycles.

Since 2020,  SUVs or all-terrain vehicles account for 31,9% of new cars in Germany.  It is hard to see around them, with the consequence that in cities 25% of pedestrian accidents are in connection with parked cars.

Looking for parking places is 30% to 40% of the traffic within cities according to ADAC. Drivers need on average 10 minutes to find a place and drive 4.5 Kilometers.

The operating cost of a street parking place is about 220€ per year. 45% of this amount is for security and maintaining order, and  27%  is for administration.  Other costs include cleaning, water removal, lighting, and physical maintenance. 


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