Join the Protest against Plastic Waste!

 Join the Protest against Plastic Waste! 

On the 24 August, 3 members of St.George's joined the Protest Picnic in front of the Bundeskanzleramt organised by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). The aim of this protest was to encourage the federal government to show courage, determination and a commitment to the environment by supporting the United Nations plastics treaty which is currently in negotiations.  

Plastic waste is not just a problem, it is major environmental crisis. *Every three seconds over a tonne of plastic ends up in our oceans. Marine animals and seabirds are dying from our plastic waste and entire marine ecosystems are in danger of collapsing.  And we humans are not spared either - microplastics can be detected in each and every one of us, because we eat, drink and breathe them every day.*

The time to act is now, we need to raise our voices, each and every one of us. The final session of the negotiations will be in November.  We must urgently signal to the governments worldwide that this matters to us, so that these negotiations aren’t stalled or the policies significantly watered down by those with vested commercial interests; and there are many.

There weren’t as many people as we had hoped at the picnic, however everyone can still contribute. There is a global petition being run by WWF (see below). Please sign it and share it as widely as you can. (And don’t forget to click on the link in the confirmation email afterwards). 

Thanks to our lovely international St. George’s community, we have a global reach. Please use that reach now to protect God’s creation and to protect ourselves and our future. 

Petition auf Deutsch:

Petition in English:

* WWF website ( translated with DeepL


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