More about micro-plastic
Tom Perkins of the Guardian writes: "Three essential things to know about microplastics – and how to avoid them" with the subtitle: "Microplastics can’t be avoided completely, but even small steps in the right direction can help significantly." Here are some quotes from the article:
"... plastic kitchenware is a major source of contamination at home. It all adds up: by one estimate, we on average ingest about 3.8m microplastics annually, many through food."
"...Some plastic will almost certainly end up in your food, no matter what you do. ... prioritize the easiest steps you can take to avoid the chemicals, like swapping out plastic kitchen utensils with items made with safer alternative..."
"... single-use paper coffee cups can shed trillions of bits of plastic when hot liquid is added. Similarly, tea bags can release billions of particles, and microwavable plastic is also a problem."
As a tea drinker I find the news about tea bags especially bad. Happily I tend to drink Chinese green tea brewed in a glass mug with glass strainer.